Category: Parenting

My CybHer Weekend

I went to CybHer this weekend and it rocked!  Thank you Sian and the CybHer lovelies Claire, Erica and Ryan and the rest of the team on the day for making it an amazing event. There was lots of fabulous people, interesting...

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Big Babies are Beautiful

My gorgeous daughter, Diva G, my second child, weighed 9lb 5oz when she was born 10 days after her due date. She arrived healthy and that was all that mattered. Although that’s not what people commented on, they commented...

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The Potty List

THE POTTY LIST…Or 36 Things To Do Before You’re Three The Potty List – a tongue in cheek guide to 36 things toddlers should have crayoned off a must-do list….by the time they are toilet trained forms part of the...

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