… and not that much warmer at the printers!  December is definitely here and according to the weather reports snow is not far away.  Thank goodness for central heating.  Its been a fairly busy few weeks with Christmas orders to create, print and deliver, now there is just the small matter of writing them – thankfully stamps are self adhesive these days! 

I’ve been making and meeting up with some new “friends of Dandelion Lounge” who I will be introducing you to over the weeks and months ahead, these are like minded people who offer products and services I use/like/couldn’t live without.  More about that in future posts. 

At home I am enjoying a seasonal rest from my freelance marketing work, taking time to learn more about blogging and other web 2.0 stuff for Dandelion Lounge and other clients and very much enjoying being a mum to Hugo.  He’s 19 months old now and really great fun, buying his Christmas gifts has been brilliant, this year Santa is bringing him “Mikes Auto Garage” a wooden toy garage and cars from Le Toy Van www.letoyvan.com along with inevitably much, much more.  I am hoping for an extension to house the ever expanding was toy box … now section of living room … soon to be entire living room and I guess eventually they will take over the entire house! 

I am still compiling the address list for my Christmas cards so will check back again soon and more frequently – ’til next time! 

Claire x