The May Bank Holiday is here and I am back inside at the PC for a little blog.  I’ve just been outside “organising the car” for our trip South – rubbish from last trip removed, H’s DVD’s loaded, CD’s changed and sweet stash reviewed!  Mr L gets to do the fuel, washer fluid and tire pressure (oh the glamour!)  I’m off to my old stomping ground, Clapham, London tomorrow and Mr L is catching us up on Friday evening.  SW4 you better brace yourself The Lancaster’s are coming!

Now this post is a request for feedback to help a pal of mine with some product development so please can all you mummy’s and daddy’s tell me what you think about this … this being this

The Mediwrap blankets and ponchos which keep you dry and warm if your car breaks down, because if you do breakdown the RAC advises that you get out of the car immediately and get away from moving traffic, for your own safety.  “Get out?  Are you mad?” I hear you cry and I was the same, until a few years ago when I passed a lorry which had pulled over onto the hard shoulder and pretty much pulled onto the broken down car on the hard shoulder.  I can only hope the passengers inside were OK, it was a hideous mess. 

That is the truth, you are meant to get out and its a UK Bank Holiday so chances are its going to be cold and rainy – prove me wrong mother nature, prove me wrong I beg of you!  Having seen what I saw on the hard shoulder if we break down I will get out,  I will get my kids out and we will sit up at the top of on the motorway embankment and wait for help.  I have a Mediwrap Family Pack (current price £34.99) in my car it lives there, my friend is the business development guy for Mediwrap and he gave it me.   So whilst I know I won’t be winning any fashion awards they will help to keep us all warm and dry and in case you were wondering in the event of breakdown there will be tweets but no twitpics! 

To me this is one of those things that I hope I never ever have to use but if we were in a situation where we needed it I would pay ten times its price to have it there and then.  With prices starting at less than a tenner I just wonder if people just aren’t aware that either in the event of breakdown you are supposed to get out of the car or that these product exist?  I follow Davina McCall on Twitter and I remember when she, amongst many others, was stranded in the snow  so it even happens to the rich and famous!

So as the Bank Holiday Traffic starts to build what do you think as mums, dads, parents, guardians, drivers?  Do you have?  Have you considered?  Have you used?  Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts. 

Please note I have already suggested a Maxi Dress for this season!  Happy Bank Holidays!