CLIC_SargentNickie over at IamTypecast has been running weekly prompts for #dosomethingyummy a campaign to support awareness of the CLIC Sargent Yummy Mummy Week from 10th to 18th March 2012.  This weeks prompt is SURVIVAL.  The linkys will be open throughout February and March if you wish to post and help spread the word.

My family has been affected by cancer and it is has been a terrible illness for those that have suffered and those who supported and witnessed. 

Below is a family photograph taken in August 2008.  There’s me and a little Lil’ H in the middle with my second cousin & god mother on the left and her mother, my great aunt, on the right.  Lil H and I are now the only living survivors alive today. 


This was the last time I saw either of them.  Both fought and beat breast cancer, sadly secondary cancers arose and we lost my godmother in her early 50’s, a young age in 2009, my great aunt we lost last year in 2011.  They were wonderful, positive and happy women, I miss them, I wish they had the opportunity to meet Diva G, I wish there had been more time full stop.  Their cancers and illnesses were cruel and knowing they are no longer in any pain is some comfort.

Today ten children in the UK will hear the news they have cancer.  This news will devastate their families.  CLIC Sargent is charity for children with cancer and their annual fundraising initiative Yummy Mummy Week is 10th to 18th March 2012.  The money supports children and families from diagnosis, during treatment, at home & hospital and after treatment through survival and bereavement.  I sincerely hope that you, me or anyone I know ever needs to their services, but sadly there are some who will and what small effort I can make I will.  Previously I have held a coffee morning, I’m not sure what I will do this year but I have already signed up.  Have you?

To get involved visit and register for this year’s Yummy Mummy Week and “Do Something Yummy” – click on the ‘Get Involved’ button above to request your event pack now!

Related links
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You can join the Facebook page
You can use the #dosomethingyummy hashtag on Twitter

The “Head Mums” supporting this campaign are:
Nickie – @nickie72 – Typecast
Mirka – @kahanka – All Baby Advice
Claire – @The LazyGirlBlog – Lazy Girl Blog
Susanne – @ghostwritermumm – Ghostwriter Mummy