So here we are New Years Eve. It’s been a super busy year, one of lots of change, it’s been challenging at times but it has certainly taught us lots. We say hello to 2012 a wiser family in many ways. Here’s our round up:

Mr L’s employer started to struggle financially in January
Wages became at best sporadic, but mostly not at all
We discovered Lil’ H had a loss of hearing which required grommet surgery
We had to pay stamp duty & lots of other boring costs to move house, sorry but they totalled close to £25,000 and I remain bitter!
In November Mr L’s employer went into administration making us income free – argh!
I made a friend who reminded me how false & insincere people can be

We sold our old house
Diva G started walking
We enjoyed a great Royal Wedding weekend with good friends
Lil H turned 4 years old
We had a great break at Center Parcs
We held an amazing naming day with family & close friends
We had a fab, almost rain free, fortnight on holiday in Cornwall
We bought & moved into our new home and project for the next decade!
Lil H started full time school, settled in well, has lots of friends and has developed massively
I stepped back up to do more freelance work continuing to work with great clients and also gaining more clients & projects
I ran some projects that I was able to work with my online community, sharing good stuff with them
Baby G turned 2yo promoted to Diva G & started a couple of mornings at Pre-school
Mr L released from the shackles of employment started his own handyman/joinery business in Cheshire (go – like his Facebook page!), less than two months in and we already know we won’t look back.
I value myself. I don’t like everyone and I don’t expect everyone to like me. I’m cool with that.

Looking ahead
I have had a theme word rather than resolutions for the last two years, 2010 was a year of enjoyment, 2011 was a year of change. Both lived up to their themes. 2012 is a year to PLAN. I am woefully behind on blogging house updates that’s just putting living life with two kids, a house move and a redundancy I’ve been surviving life with very little time to document it. I have my mojo back as a blogger, a mother, a professional, a person. I’ve missed it. So now, now I’ve got ideas and thoughts and I need to reflect and PLAN, first up is find an architect to get my Pinterest inspired dreams into plans that can be both approved and afforded. So that’s the PLAN for 2012 to PLAN!

Wishing you a fantastic 2012!

Claire x