Home_Photo_booksThanks to clareybabble for passing this meme on, I’m working my way through a few awards and meme’s at the moment, all helping to keep my mind off my bump!

So here are the rules… 1. Collect the book that you have most handy. 2. Turn to page 161. 3. Find the 5th complete sentence. 4. Site the sentence on your blog. 5. Pass it on to 5 other bloggers.

Ok so on my bedside are three books … this says a lot about where I am in life right now … I have time so I am going to do all three!

1.  Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan
Pg 161, line 5 – I slowly breathe up with each surge.  (Nb. Surge is hypno for contraction!)

2.  The contented baby with toddler book by Gina Ford
Pg 161, line 5 -12 noon-2/2:15pm:  Baby needs a nap of no longer than two and a quarter hours from the time he went down.  (mmm … wondering/doubting if baby knows this?!)

3.  What to expect – The Toddler Years by Murkoff, Eisendberg & Hathaway
Pg 161, line 5 -Sometimes toddlers who are physically precocious – the early walkers, climbers, jumpers, ball-throwers – are later talkers; they put so much of their energy into physical exploits that they have little left over for verbal exploration.

I have to confess, I have only read the hypnobirthing book cover to cover – the rest are there in case of emergencies!  Now then, anyone who want to can pick this meme up but I also think these lovelies might enjoy some randomness…

American Mom in England
OMG we’re pregnant
Sleep is for the weak
Kelly Fairy
Ramblings of a mum on the run