Do you love Christmas? Or just love a good party? Let me introduce you to my favourite reason to get the girls together at Christmas by throwing a Bauble Party.
My bauble party has made a return to the calendar in 2022 after a two year break, thanks for that Covid! This means I am extra excited about the return of this big fun Christmas tradition. It’s impossible not to have a good time, I thought I would share it with you.
Here’s my step by step guide to hosting a Bauble Party:
- Invite a group of good fun friends to your bauble party, I’d suggest probably between 10 – 20 girlfriends over.
- Ask your friends to purchase a Christmas bauble for anything from £1 – £10 (it doesn’t have to be an actual bauble, but something that can hang on the tree). Guests need to bring a bauble gift wrapped to the party, keeping the bauble inside a surprise.
- Place all the baubles in the middle of the room, or on a table.
- Once everyone has arrived ask your friends to draw a number out of a hat from 1 to whatever the final number of people is, and hold onto their ticket. This is the order that people will choose their baubles.
- Once everyone has a drink (I have some great festive cocktail recipes below and here), get everyone to seated / gathered round the wrapped baubles. Then the game can begin.
- The guest with ticket number 1 chooses a wrapped bauble gift from the pile and opens it so that everyone can see it.
- The guest with ticket number 2 chooses a wrapped bauble gift OR – and this is crucial – number 2 can choose to ‘steal’ the bauble that has just been opened by number 1.
- If number 2 chooses to steal number 1’s bauble, number 1 gets to choose another wrapped bauble to open. This bauble can be stolen yet again, by number 3, who’s turn it is next. However a bauble can only be ‘stolen’ a maximum of three times. Guest with ticket number 3, chooses a wrapped gift from the table, or to steal either of the bauble’s already in the possession of number 1 and number 2.
- I recommend a sheet of sticker dots, I add to a bauble every time it is stolen to keep track of the number of times because… a bauble can only be ‘stolen’ three times!
- And so it goes on, with each subsequent person in the numbered order getting a wider choice of opened baubles to ‘steal’ from the other players – or of course they can choose, unseen baubles by taking a wrapped one from decreasing number in the middle.
Remember – each bauble can only be ‘stolen’ three times. And yes, you can steal the same bauble back if the opportunity arises! The person who steals it for the 3rd time gets to keep it and it goes home with them.
And that’s the how the Bauble game rolls. Throw in some festive cocktails and I promise you a great night will be had by all.
Here’s some of my favourite festive cocktails all recipes are available from the food and drinks experts at The Mixer, a new all-in-one destination for drinkspiration!