There are fewer situations more stressful than struggling to access the care and resources that you need when your health is at risk. Unfortunately, this has been the case for many people worldwide in recent times.

Those working in healthcare are often praised, and rightly so. However, cracks are now starting to appear in the UK, with underfunded services, staff shortages, and plenty more problems arising. Hospitals all over the world are put under strain too. Put simply, things are far from perfect.

If you suffer from poor health or conditions that need managing, then there is a chance you’ll experience some shortcomings from your healthcare provider. Here are some of the things you should do in these situations.

Utilise Your Support Network

Treatment for any ailment or condition you suffer can be hard-won. If it’s refused for any reason, then the sense of defeat can be extremely bitter and overwhelming.

However, you should try not to let it debilitate you. Your fighting spirit counts for a lot when it comes to staying in good health, so rally to your support network and let them help you during this time.

Support groups are out there both online and in the real world. Many of them are tailored to those who face challenges with certain conditions. Confide in them where possible. You can engage with them even if you have an existing support network, so utilise all the help at your disposal.

Once you’re calm and steady, you’re then in a better position to take action.

Seek Alternative Solutions

Depending on your health concern, you may be able to find solutions and treatment elsewhere. Obviously, caution is strongly advised here, and you should only deal with reputable and trustworthy services.

For example, UK residents with diabetes often get their up-to-date insulin pumps from the London Diabetes Centre. NHS restrictions have meant that many people have been unable to get theirs via their services, and so they found another way. The expert diabetes team comprises many different experts and specialists who can work closely with clients and teach them to use the pumps safely and more.

Of course, results may vary here depending on who you approach, what for, and where you’re based. Still, knowing that other options exist should be enough to give you some hope and realise that there’s often another way.

Follow Complaints Procedures

Once you’ve managed to get the help you need, filing a formal complaint may be necessary. Depending on your level of dissatisfaction, speaking up may do some good for yourself, the health service, and others.

Making complaints can seem like a redundant process, especially if done to an employee’s superior or even the health service itself. However, there are options to escalate the issue if you feel that’s wise. For instance, in the UK, you can file complaints to the Care Quality Commission or to the regulator of a healthcare professional that wronged you. 

If your ordeal was intensive, you might not feel it’s worth revisiting it. It’s an understandable approach, but you may find that filing a complaint offers you closure and a sense of justice. Those feelings alone are worth pursuing, so consider this course of action where appropriate.