The fab team at Innex Design finished our house designs a couple of months ago, Mr L and I have been revisiting looking at them from time to time just to be 100% sure we haven’t missed anything.  We don’t think we have and I’m sharing the plans for a last sense check as we submit our application for planning permission this month.

So let me show you round and let me know your thoughts:

Our extension is two storey so requires planning permission from East Cheshire, so what next?  Whilst that is going through the appropriate channels I am going to be having a look at some of the numbers, costs, budgeting and giving some thought to how we will fund and possibly phase the build.  Any tips anyone?  Please do share!

I don’t particularly want to phase the build, once we start I want to crack on right through to final finish but there are some things we need to do before we can start, for example a place to accommodate the contents of the existing garage before we can knock it down.  We are a long way from colour schemes, wall coverings and cushions however that said I will be spending most of my week looking at next week at the Interiors Show at NEC – you can never have too much inspiration too early I say!