After what seems like an endless amount of time spent indoors, the restrictions have finally been lifted and we can go outside, see people and enjoy all the things that we’ve been waiting for.

But every homeowner knows that there’s nothing that makes you look at your home with a critical eye than coming back to it after going somewhere new. If you are stepping back into your house or flat and you’re feeling the urge to start completely fresh, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Clear That Clutter Out

First things first: you need to make some space. We all did a lot of online shopping during the pandemic to keep ourselves entertained and make up for the fact that we couldn’t actually go anywhere.

Now, it’s time to be brutally honest with yourself about which of those new additions to your home are actually worth keeping. There’s a reason why taking a Marie Kondo attitude has become so popular. It’s not just practical, giving you a lot more space and allowing the items you want to keep more room to breathe. It’s a psychological boost too, allowing you to shed those items that you’re just not happy with.

Brighten It Up With Lighter Tones

The British summer has never been known to be overly generous when it comes to allowing a lot of light into our homes. We’ve gone through an incredibly wet spring and summer looks like it’s playing the same game right now, so it’s up to us to think about how to make our interiors a little brighter.

This can be as big or as small a project as you want. You can get the paint cans out if you want, or you could think about how some new furniture could change the feel of a room completely. The addition of a white bookcase, bed frame, or sideboard can do so much. White Tree furniture looks to bring a sense of harmony and light to your home with their contemporary pieces.

Get Seasonal With Your Garden

If you want to make sure that you can enjoy a fresh feel to your home all year round, why not think about getting rid of the same old garden features and creating a seasonal space that changes with the passing months? Having an outdoor space has been so important to so many of us during the pandemic, but the beauty of a garden is that there is always more that you can do with it.

Try growing different vegetables at different times of year and see if your green fingers can deliver some home-grown treats for your meals. Be bold with your planting choices and think about what colours you have always dreamed of seeing in your home. And why not think about installing a bird feeder or bird pond to make your garden a haven for wildlife visitors year-round? Garden birds need our help right now so a giving them a refuge could make a big difference as well as bringing new life to your garden.