There are loads of vitamin and mineral supplements on the market for adults and children. But do my kids really need them?

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I remember as a child climbing up on to the kitchen work surfaces and secretly scoffing loads of round super orangey vitamin C loaded Haliborange tablets, my mum would have flipped if she’d ever caught me. Fast forward thirty years and it’s me doing the “flipping out” as I caught Lil H and Diva G ascending the kitchen cupboards to snaffle Haliborange’s Mr Men and Little Miss multi vitamins.

We eat a fairly healthy diet, with fruit and veg in most meals. The children’s diet isn’t as varied as I would like but we have a bank of staple meals I can rely on them to eat, including fish pie, spag bol, roast dinner and generally broccoli, carrots and sweetcorn are also on the approved list! I regard vitamins supplements as an insurance policy, a guarantee that their dietary consumption has definitely ticked all the nutrition boxes.

As much as I try to ensure that my first line of attack on nutrition is diet, I must also be honest and say that Mr L and I are both working parents with busy schedules and it makes it hard for us to get healthy meals every single day. Often this is because we’ve not managed to do the food planning or shopping, we are dashing to / from playdates or kids team sport commitments. There are many days that we are just too short of time and a quick tea and an appropriate bedtime is the priority. Not without mentioning the food and drink whims and whimsy’s of a 5 year old girl and an 8 year old boy – being honest there are days when the food battle is one not worth fighting.

I totally recognise the importance of a nutrient loaded diet, I do my best, some days we’re all good, some days, not so much. That’s why I give vitamin and mineral supplements to my kids – thanks Haliborange for the chewy loaded with goodness goodies – they must be good, my children scale the worktops to get them!

Haliborange Vitamins are available to buy online at


Disclaimer:  I am not being paid by Haliborange, they sent us two jars of Mr Men and Little Miss vitamins to try. All opinions are my own.