Moving into a new room at boarding school, college or university can be a very daunting experience, especially if you’ve never lived anywhere but home before. You’ve done the hardest part by putting 100% into your work and getting to where you are now, so it’s time to enjoy yourself and create a room that you’re going to feel at home and comfortable in. If you’re unsure of how to do this, hopefully these useful tips will inspire you and help you create the perfect space for you to wind down and relax in.
- Make Sure it’s Clean and Tidy
There’s nothing more unsettling than spending time in a room that is dirty or untidy, so it’s important to make sure your room is as clean and tidy as you can get it. Before you move your furniture in, be sure to give the room a good deep clean to make it feel as fresh and welcoming as possible. Once your furniture and personal items are moved in, you should try to keep on top of cleaning your room at least once a week, even if you only do a little bit of dusting. When your bedroom is clean you will instantly feel more relaxed and at home, which is exactly what you want.
- Create a Bold and Cosy Bed Space
Having a cosy bed is one of the most important things when it comes to making your new room feel homely. Your bed is the one place where you need to feel comfortable and at home, so having the right set up can really help you to feel content. Invest in some cosy bedding that reflects your personal style, whether that’s with a floral pattern or your favourite colour, as this will add some more personality to your room. You should then look at getting some snuggly scatter cushions and a warm throw to position at the bottom of your bed, just incase you get cold or feel the need to snuggle up. You can either recreate the way your bed looks at home, or you could invest in a brand-new bed to make your room feel fresh and exciting. You can find a great range of affordable new beds here from Furniture Plus Online, along with a great selection of pillows and bedding from here too.
- Adding a Welcoming Atmosphere
By adding a welcoming atmosphere to your room, you will be able to feel much more relaxed and at home. There are lots of ways in which you can create the perfect atmosphere, including adding scented candles or diffusers to create a scent that reminds you of home, as well as having plenty of soft furnishings to make you feel relaxed and content. Similarly, if you add lots of personal touches such as family photographs, posters, artwork and decorative items then you’ll really make the area feel full of character and personality, which is exactly what you want when creating a welcoming feel.