My blogging birth club matey Claire over at The Good The Bad and The Ugly has tagged me to with this rather fabulous posting so here’s what I had to do: Pop over to the My Heritage site and create your own celeb collage, post it on your blog and then pop back here to add your addition to the Linky….

I got tagged because my blogging mojo is missing but I’ll come to that in my next post as I’m going to vent how I lost it and get it back! 

So without further ado here for your screen pleasure are my celebrity look-a-likes with my profile pic … there’s some good looking girls in there so I’m pretty chuffed, although I did score 68% with Jack Lemmon which was a worry! 

Now then who to pass this one on to?  Mmmm, I shall tag Young Mummy over at Young & Younger we were tweeting early today and my Vlog about sterilizing in a hotel room that I wobbled about and very nearly didn’t post, I think was helpful so I’m pleased I did post it.  Happy Holidays to her!  Next up, Bec over at Beetroot & Gherkins as she’s the Southern version of me, more than just a bit beautiful and bound to have some fabulous look-a-likeys.  My next choice is Emma at Me The Man & The Baby as we are “tweeting up” at The Baby Show at the NEC in Birmingham later this month & it would be good to know which glamour puss look-a-like I’m looking out for!