Prepare for everything and require nothing … why is it always the way?!  The jab didn’t happen! 

By pure chance the doctor at the private clinic happened to be a doctor from our NHS GP Practice and apparently it is a complete no, no and strike-off-able offence for a doctor to treat a patient private who is registered at their NHS Practice.  Humpf!  

Needless to say, I was neither impressed nor amused, however rather than put my time and energy into ranting about the lack of competence and process to check the relevant information before H missed a nursery session (already paid for of course) and I missed a days work (therefore not paid for)!  I shall simply say we have rescheduled at another clinic for mid May and the silver lining is the cost of the jab is £35 cheaper. 

Next stop holiday – list making has started and the final countdown has begun!