I have a competition for you *whoops, applause & cheers* its from the lovely people from Matalan for a £50 voucher which can be for in store or online the choice is yours. 

Matalan have loads of great stuff on their site and more being added every day.  This Be Beau Patchwork Tiered Maxi Dress caught my eye then I gasped when I saw the price, just £18, yeah really!  So that £50 really would go far.  I can’t help but wander into Homewear at the moment, with our current and next home being now SOLD Subject to Contract I am, all be it cautiously, starting to think ahead and dream a little.  Check out these Union Jack cushions in silver, gold & pink for just £10 caught my eye. 

So I know you are all keen to enter, its really pretty easy simply head over to Matalan’s website www.matalan.co.uk have a browse and leave me a comment with your favourite thing or should I say things, as choosing is the difficult part, on the Matalan website.  Deadline for entries will be 9pm on Friday 27th May 2011, one entry/comment per email address please multiple entries will be deleted and the winner will be selected by random number draw and notified by email.

Matalan can be found on Facebook here and you can follow & tweet Matalan @Matalan and you can read their blog here