On Friday Lil H and I were invited to join Kelloggs for their Snap, Crackle and Blog event for Mum Bloggers.  We had a really great morning, a really great morning, but before I tell you more about that I’d like to introduce you the bloggers snap, crackle & popping:

Left to right, starting on the front row we have:  The Coffee Lady, Time Management Mum, Mum The Mad House and Second Time Mum

Along the middle:  Not Such a Yummy Mummy, And 1 More Means 4 (+1 =5!)The Five F’s Blog, Not Super Mum, Typecast, Small Hand in Mine and Sandy Calico.

Balancing on chairs at the back:  Sqidgyboo and yours truly, Cheshire Mum!

Below is a McLinky to all their fabulous Snap, Crackle and Blog posts so do please head over to theirs and hear about their experience at Kelloggs whilst I get busy downloading my photo’s and writing my thoughts to share with you.