… since I wrote about what I’ve been up to and the trials of life sent our way.  I’m now 24 weeks pregnant with baby number two and having been terribly ill for the first 14 or so weeks have had a good couple of months sickness free and generally feeling quite well, if a little tired but that is life as a working mum with a two year old toddler! 

I have been working on some freelance marketing projects and met some really nice new people I haven’t worked with before which is great – a big shout out to the teams at YOYO Media and MadHouse HQ and fingers crossed for their imminent pitches!  Dandelion Lounge has displays, sample packs and competitions running at a number of Summer Fairs and Charity events.  If you aren’t at one and want a chance to win some of our fabulous cards, its easy, just register on www.dandelionlounge.co.uk before 30th September.

Currently and for the last three weeks (and counting!) my family and are living with my parents whilst we have a new kitchen and bathroom fitted – we are already a week over and the frustration around the whole project and unreliable tradesmen is too great to write anymore than that at this point – grrr – I’ll write more on this I am sure but when tempers and patience aren’t as tested and fraught! 

On a happier note I am counting down to a weeks holiday back down at our place in Cornwall at the begining of July.  The journey down there is a 5 hour one so we are treating ourselves and breaking the journey up with a hotel stop over either way and including a day trip to Thomas Land at Drayton Manor www.thomaslanduk.co.uk my little H is a big fan!  I will report back with a review of our experience in July.

Well I had better sign off, the weekend is here and although we are uprooted from our home on the plus side we do have extra grandparenting childcare!  Tomorrow is Fathers Day and we are headed for a day trip to Monkey Forest www.trentham-monkey-forest.com  so need to head out under grey June skies (I want a refund on Summer so far!) and buy food for our picnic.

Ciao for now!  Claire