It is now March and my 39th year fitness mission that commenced on 31st December 2012 continues, irrespective of the results of which there are some decent achievements, the greatest of which is that I haven’t given up.  I am still getting my exercise kit on and training twice a week with Greg Johnson and also still running and working my way through “Couch to 5k” (C25K).

The scales say I’ve lost 19lbs, well I had until I went to  Center Parcs then gained a couple but they’ll be history again soon enough.  My jeans require a belt otherwise they fall down, I am refusing to by new one’s until I drop 24lbs.  I am so much stronger, I can do stupid things like “plank get ups” – who ever invited these if you’re reading – I HATE YOU!

I’m starting my second month of training, we have a small, fun group of ladies meeting on Monday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at 6pm at Wilmslow High School for 45 minutes training.  Being part of a little crew of people with Greg’s nutrition plan has made all the difference to me being focussed and sticking with it and now its just part of my weekly life.  There are just a couple of spaces in the class so if anyone is interested then contact Greg directly through his Facebook page.

Sport ArmbandI started off following the C25K programme and I do really enjoy it, I try to run 2-3 times a week if I can and now I can run for nearly 10 minutes without stopping.  Next week will see me doubling that as I start to do no interval runs, never thought that would be possible.  With a decent pair of running shoes and a play list it would appear anything is possible. sent me an armband to keep my iPhone safe and my hands free whilst running its great.  If you’re thinking about starting C25K or fed up of holding your phone like I was you should consider investing, great value at just £9.99.  This is just one of many iPhone 4S accessories available from