We’re putting our house on the market. It’s no doubt going to be a roller coaster, in most cases it is, but it has started well.

We’ve had the estate agents round, they’ve valued our home, a bit Goldilocks stylie one too high, one too low and one just right. It’s was a bit chaotic trying to show the agents round with Lil H and Baby G but they did really well entertaining themselves… or so I thought.

Lil H was busy playing “unsuitable” the game Mr added and I regularly uninstall and based on the discussions had between us H refers to it now as “unsuitable” *sigh* Baby G was mooching about watching a cat stalking birds in the garden … or so I thought.

Estate agent: … I’ll put everything in writing & we’ll speak next week
Me: great thank you, I’ll discuss with Mr L & be in touch
Estate agent: *turns & walks to car*
Me: *GASP*

My daughter had chalked all over the back of his black wool coat. I said nothing. Baby G had graffiti tagged most of the living room with chalk. It will brush off – right?

Mortified! Claire x