This post is brought to you by the letter “W” because this letter has dominated my week …
· WEATHER, WET WEATHER too – practically all week it feels like.
· To combat the weather my husband bought me WELLIES for my birthday, an odd gift you may think, but I love them. They are Hunters and if you have a little boy being outdoors and preferably amongst mud and puddles these are vital. I have coveted them for years and now I have my very own navy ones!
· Then there has been the WRITING of the Christmas Cards – whilst I love, love, love creating bespoke stationery I hate, hate, hate printing address labels! Why do they always jam my printer at home?!
· WOOLIES – not the knitted jumper type the WOOLWORTHS type. This week sees a high street favourite, a national institution facing collapse. I feel very nostalgic towards woolies, I bought my first record there, spent loads of pocket money on penny sweets fizzy cola bottles and the like and more recently found it brilliant value for kids clothes and Fisher Price toys. I will be very sad to see it go and hope it is saved at the last minute and the brand returns bigger and better than ever. There is a petition for government help to save Woolies from the administrators which you can sign here vewoolies
· The biggest “W” of them all has got to be a WEDDING and I’ve got one of those coming up before Christmas as my sister-in-law gets married next Saturday 20th December. I’ve been gift shopping and outfit choosing times three – it will be a first for my son and our first experience of attending a wedding with him … the jury is out on how well weddings and 20 month olds mix!
· WEEKEND’S – We have no free WEEKEND’s now until well into the New Year, great on the one hand its always lovely to see friends, family and the “framily” that crosses between the two. Good times are had and the WINE always flows but my WAISTLINE and WEIGHT are always challenged by all of the above at this time of year – ho hum! Diet tonic with the gin should help a bit at least!
· WEDDINGS and WEEKENDS away have also had me buying some new toddler kit from my favourite online store so a good browse online and a new travel gro-bag and a table booster seat are on their way to me.
· Not too much of my favourite “W”, WINE, this week but I will be making up for that this evening. I am out for supper with friends and with mine and my friend James’ birthday around the table and the kids installed chez Grandparents there is more than a little cause for celebration!
Ciao for now friends – next week there will be no escaping Christmas!
Me x