I was chuffed at the beginning of this week to be tagged by the lovely Sian over at MummyTips in the Naughty Step meme.  The idea is that you get to stick the person causing you the most grief at the moment on the big bad naughty step to consider their behaviour.  You can read who Sian chose to sit on her naughty step here

I have been at a bit of a blank thinking about it, I even asked my Mr “who really annoys me?” his answer to which very nearly landed him on my naughty step.  But today my naughty step nomination raised their hand – in fact what this person did caused me to do a series of tuts and lots of fierce-angry-eyed-stares and me to stamp on my way … in to the road. 

Yes indeed blogging buddies I am talking about people who park on the pavement forcing pedestrians especially those with prams into the road.  OK I confess pre-children I was guilty of this on occassions, I really now that having my hazzard lights on does not make all pedestrians wafer thin and able to pass my illegally mounted vehicle that would the pre-kids one minus child seats, sun shades, baby wipes, sing-a-long CD’s etc.

So if you’re reading this and you’re parking behaviour isn’t pedestrian friendly then off you go to the naughty step.  I want you to sit there, think about what you’ve done and don’t come off until you’re ready to say sorry.  PAVEMENTS ARE FOR PEOPLE.  Do you understand?

  • If there are double yellows there, mounting the pavement and putting your hazard lights on does not make it ok. 
  • Just because people can squeeze into the soaking wet hedge to get past to avoid almost certain death on the road does not make it ok. 
  • Just because you are dashing in/dropping something off/will only be five minutes does not make it ok. 
  • Just because you didn’t know it was going to be bin collection day leaving the pavement user to move everyone elses bin to navigate on their way does not make it ok. 

It’s a meme so I’m going to tag … Amy, Sandy, Katie and Emma so girlies who’s going on your naughty step?